Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Dear Readers,

         So far I reckon I have survived six narrow escapes with the latest being one of the most scary of them all.

          In the car park of the Harbour Bay Mall in Cape Town I was walking towards the entrance to the main building when this white Toyota car was backed out of its parking bay driven by Renee Hobbis. She was speeding like a racing driver at the start of a race and she was coming straight at me. Her car must have just touched me as I jumped backwards and landed in the road on my back. It was then driven rapidly for about 50 metres, giving some more people a close call, before it went into the entrance of a small yard to crash head on into a wall.

           I spent the next half hour or so lying in the road being attended to by paramedics with a little shop assistant from the nearby Pic n Pay holding my hand. The paramedics wanted to take me to hospital, but after about half an hour I felt well enough to drive to my home about 15 kms away. I had a delayed action sore leg, some other aches and pains as well as a graze on the top of my head which disappeared quickly.

          Mrs Hobbis of 31 Dolphin Way, Simonstown, was the only occupant of the car. I didn’t see her but I was told that after the crash she was found sitting in her vehicle saying that she had a “sugar problem”. Nobody was at home when I later called at her house but a neighbour told me she was a “very bad diabetic.”    

           Most of the roads where she lives are really scary as they are incredible steep being on the side of the mountain.

          After getting her phone number from the Police I phoned her and she told me to speak to her husband Chris. When he came on the line I told him that I felt his wife should no longer be driving and he agreed with me.

          When I spoke to her again I emphasised that she should no longer be driving because somebody would die if she again drove the way she had done at the Mall.  She said she would “think” about giving up driving and that she had not driven since the incident at the Mall.

          I know its very difficult to accept that you should no longer drive but if Mrs Hobbis, who I was told is about 60 ever drives like that again she would surely be putting death on the road in some form or another.

My only visible injury a graze on the back
of my head where it hit the road. It healed
up quite quickly

          Her car was insured by Santam so I put some questions to Fanus Coetzee its Chief Executive Officer, Santam Broker Solutions. After giving him brief details about what happened I included a video of the incident.`

I then asked him if Mrs Hobbis had disclosed to his company that she might drive like this because I was told she suffered from very bad diabetes. I also asked if his company would insure her again and I told him what the opinion of her husband Chris was about her driving future. And what she told me. I added that they live on the mountainside in Simonstown where most of the roads are dangerously steep and this made it even more imperative that she should stop driving.

He replied saying: “Thank you for making me aware of the scenario and the potential misrepresentation of this possible client. But I cannot divulge any of the information to you that you are requesting from me.” He added: “I want to thank you for the information and we will have it investigated and address the matter appropriately.”

He also told me that their clients were expected to disclose any risks that might affect the underwriting “whether at inception of the policy or thereafter.

“If the change is material to the claim against the acceptance of the risk or a claim thereafter, and it was not disclosed, we retain the right to void the cover or reject the claim.”


            Renee it is really imperative that you should no longer drive and that your husband Chris should do everything possible to support you in this difficult time in your life.


P.S. Watch out for some more posts about the narrow escapes I have had in my life. Well I suppose these are what you must expect if you live till 90 or more.






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