Dear Readers,
Joe Phaahla South Africa's Minister of Health |
The Covid world panic has been
a paradise for the ‘‘it might happen;’’, “it could make current vaccines
ineffective;” “it’s better to be safe than sorry;” scientific scare mongers who
have been making a name for themselves by destroying economies and putting
millions of people out of work.
None of them have had any
regard for the fact that the lock down cure hasn’t worked anywhere as they
appear on TVs around the world egging on the panic with more and more stories
of new and more deadly waves that “might do this” and “might do that”. This is
the new science.
they conveniently ignore the cases and death stats that show that out of a
world population of 8-B there have been a mere 261-M Covid cases with just 5-M
deaths. That’s in a world where less than half the population has been
vaccinated. What are these as a percentage of the number of people? I’m afraid
I’m not scientific enough to be able to guess the answer to that.
in reality it’s like having a single fly in the sky that the scientists tell us
is spreading a deadly disease in the atmosphere and that unless we all take
cover we will die.
a “precautionary measure”
Phaahla South
bad joke is that the unvaccinated are being told to vaccinate while at the same
time the scientists are saying that the current vaccines are unlikely to
protect them against the new variant. How can they possibly conclude this when
the new variant was only discovered very recently?
Covid science a series of guesses based on the scientific discovery that if you
make enough of them one is bound to be right? The trouble is that governments
around the world have now been so conditioned by the Covid panic that they
react to the latest guess in the only way they know how with various versions
of lock down.
anybody yet heard any of these top scientists telling us on TV about how many
people are currently dying from aids, TB and numerous other diseases? Tuberculosis has been described as a global
pandemic that kills more people than malaria and Aids combined, but has there
ever been a lock down anywhere because of this?
those of you who still have a job "guess" what’s going to happen next. You’ll
have to ask one of those Covid scientists who are never likely to lose their
jobs as long as they can go on scaring the hell out of all of us.
Jon, a Consumer Watchdog who has had both Pfizer jabs
after I heard scientists “guess” that I would be protected. Then I saw on
Google Pfizer is just as unreliable as any of these “scientific guesses”
because it is run by crooks. This multinational
P.S. My wife and I have belatedly got a very
old Covid variant. We are sick to almost death of hearing about Covid in every
day and night TV news bulletin and reading about it in the media.
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