I was interested to see that the South Africa Advertising Authority (ASA) has been telling a judge in the
High Court things which in my experience are not true.
In her Consumer Column in the Sunday
Times Megan Power reported on the case involving the ASA’s efforts to
discipline the Medical Nutritional Institute (Institute). This firm is in the
business of making complimentary medicines – those that are made from plants,
minerals etc.
Having decided that the Institute’s
advertised claims for its AntaGolin product, which was said to combat insulin
resistance and help with weight reduction, were unsubstantiated the ASA wanted
to issue an ad alert.
This would have meant that all ASA
members, the majority being media companies, would have refused to accept the
company’s AntaGolin ads unless certain conditions were met.
The firm successfully applied to the
Johannesburg High Court to prevent the ASA from doing this and the order will
remain in force until a R17-million action for damages brought against the ASA
by the company has been concluded.
It is also suing Doctor Harris
Steinman for R200 000 for defamation. He was one of two people who
complained about the ads that the firm says are not at all misleading.
The ASA is appealing this judgement in
which it was also ordered to remove all references on it website critical of
the Institutes ads.
At the beginning of her column Power
stated that the ASA “protects consumers
against misleading and unsubstantiated advertising.” Well I have first hand experience that shows
that although it professes to be impartial it in not when its own media members
are involved. And I have conclusive evidence of a deplorable case where the ASA
has failed to protect the public in favour of one of its members.
According to Power the ASA told the
judge the following: It claimed its code
was a contract between members of the advertising industry and members would
not publish adverts that did not comply with it. It did not compel anyone to comply with its rules, but if advertisers
wanted to publish adverts in media owned by its members they were then required
to do so.
misleading advertising is intrinsically harmful to consumers, whether or not
products cause actual physical harm,” the ASA maintained. “It is only the ASA
that monitors the advertising industry as a whole and responds to complaints
speedily and effectively.
ASA’s complaint resolution turnaround is an impressive 30 days and its rulings
are posted to its website.”
have made several complaints to the ASA and I would have made more if they had
accepted them. Not one of them has been upheld. It surely can’t be just a
coincidence that my experiences with the ASA make absolute nonsense of the
claims mentioned above that were made before the judge. It could of course be
that the “impartial” ASA doesn’t give the same consideration to complaints from
people like me who have openly criticised its shortcomings on my blog as
opposed to those who don’t.
Here are examples:
most glaring ones that show how untrue these claims are appear in the Herbalist
advertisements in the The Citizen daily newspaper. Many of the ads for such
things as penus enlargements and instant wealth are so clearly a pack of lies
that even the editor agreed with me that they are not believable. But when I
complained about these to the ASA it refused to take my complaints and
generally gave me the run around with the result that pages of these lies have
continued to appear in that paper on a daily basis. (citizens dubious ads.html) And
what makes this even more deplorable is that The Citizen is one of the ASA’s
members through Caxton, the group that owns it.
ASA member is the Johannesburg
based Sunday Times. But when I complained about some of its get-rich-quick
investment ads that often resulted in poor people being defrauded of their life
savings the complaints were accepted and then conveniently lost. The result:
Nearly a year and half later I got an apology and was told that because of the
delay they could not finish what they had started(bungling asa.html). To show you what a humpty dumpty organisation the ASA is this is what
a member of its staff wrote to me during this long running affair. “We note that your complaint refers to a
Sunday Times advertisement. Please note that the ASA deals with and
investigates specific advertisements.”
Here are some other reasons why what the Judge was
told was not true:
ASA maintained it is the only organisation that “monitors
the advertising industry as a whole.” The word monitor as far as I could
establish means to “keep something under
continuous scrutiny.” Well from what
I was told the ASA does no such thing. It only reacts to complaints. Also it
conveniently doesn’t have the power to tell any of its media members to stop
accepting any ads until somebody has complained about the ads themselves and
the ASA has ruled that they are not acceptable. So a paper like The Citizen can
go on coining money by promoting charlatans in its Herbalists ads which are
there for anybody, as well as the people who run the ASA, to see. Nothing will
be done unless somebody complains and the complaint is upheld. But then the ruling would only apply to the
one ad complained about and there are pages of them all making similar
extremely dubious claims. THAT’S THE
it told the Judge that “publishing
misleading advertising is intrinsically harmfully to consumers” it is doing
such a great job of protecting consumers that The Citizen’s continues to carry
a stack of “misleading advertising,” which
it has been doing for years. Sorry
that description is far too complimentary. Many of the ads contain complete and utter lies.
ASA’s claim that its “complaint
resolution turnaround is an impressive 30 days” makes out that this is how
long it takes to get a ruling. This might happen in some cases but I can’t see
how it can possibly be anything like the norm. I say this is because once a
complaint has been received the ASA then has to get the advertiser’s side of
the story before it can judge the issue. That can take weeks if not months. And
as I found out when crooks place what are very obviously dicey ads the naïve
ASA spends ages trying to get them to reply and when this doesn’t happen the
ASA decides it can’t make a ruling. But it is so inconsistent that in at least
one case that I know of it came to a decision without getting the advertiser’s
In the court case the Institute argued
that as it was not a member of the ASA it did not believe that it has any
jurisdiction over it. It contended that
the Medicines & Related Substances Control Act as well as the Consumer
Protection Act provided sufficient protection for consumers regarding its
The ASA countered that it had been
given statutory powers by the Electronic Communications Act to decide if ads
carried on TV - this was where the controversial AntaGolin ads had mainly
appeared - by its members complied with its code. This applied whether or not
the advertiser was a member of the ASA or not.
One of the ASA’s problems is that it
tries at times, like in this case, to discipline firms that are not members of
its organisation and that’s where things become very murky.

On one occasion it found in favour of
university professor Rudi de Lange who complained that a so called Dr Semba was
exploiting consumers by saying on his website that his “psychic powers” could cure epilepsy, high blood pressure and other
ailments. Semba’s unbelievable claims were similar to the ones being made in
The Citizen ads for which the ASA refused to allow me to lodge any complaints.
Having spent some time trying to get
Semba’s side of the story, the ASA gave up when he did not reply and accepted
what the Professor had to say.
The ASA then showed how ridiculous it
is when it tried to get Semba to stop what he was doing when it has no control
over websites. So Semba continued to proclaim to the world the benefits of his
psychic powers as if nothing had happened.
In her report headlined “Watchdog in chains as advertiser fights
back” Power’s view was that if this legal battle resulted in the ASA being
barred from making rulings about misleading and unsubstantiated advertising by
non-members it could leave consumers “vulnerable
to exploitation.”
But it’s doing that already because it is
protecting them in some cases but not in others as my experiences shows
particularly as far as The Citizen is concerned. There may of course be other
similar cases that I don’t know about
What’s more when it comes to making misleading
statements the ASA is in a league of its own. Apart from what I have already mentioned
it boldly stated on its website that it “regulates
all advertising which should be legal, decent, honest and truthful and no
advertisement should bring advertising into disrepute or reduce confidence in
In my case this boast proved to be “misleading and unsubstantiated.” So the sooner this apology for an advertising police force disappears
the better and is replaced by a much more effective organisation. In its
present form its own promotional advertising screams out how bad
self-regulation is as a means of controlling the unacceptable behaviour that
affects consumers in any industry.
“The budget intended for the
protection of consumers is being blown on defending legal attacks,” Power
wrote. “The Medical Nutritional Institute’s lawyers represent several other
companies including Herbex, Solal, Groupon and Ultimate Sports Nutrition which
have challenged the ASA.”
So it looks as though the ASA could have to defend
actions for millions more.
Jon, a Consumer Watchdog who unlike the ASA is not
employed by any industry and as such can claim to be genuinely independent.
*Note: The ASA was established by its media members as
a self-policing mechanism for advertising. It is run on similar lines to that
other great media pillar of justice the South African Press Council. Both of
them claim to be impartial while showing a distinct bias towards their media
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