It’s amazing how many top South African
com panies use the words “up to”
when prom oting their products or
services. This is particularly prevalent among firms like Discovery; Mom entum and various banks that have extensive
rewards programmes.
Say an insurance com pany advertises that it will give you back “up to”
50% of the total of the premiums you have paid after two years. What would that
mean to you?
My interpretation would be that they could
be giving you a lot less than 50%, but
the figure sounds impressive and it makes the claim correct for any amount from just over 0% to 50%.
A high percentage is a bait to get custom ers
on the hook when the truth of the offer is so variable that it can be extremely
suspect. That’s my belief.
However in a confusing part of its Code of Conduct the
Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA) says this type
of advertising should not be used, but only if certain obscure conditions apply.
Clause 4.5 states: “Claims, whether as to price or performance, which use formulas such as ‘up to 10 kilom etres per liter’ or ‘prices from as low as R5’ are not acceptable where there is a
likelihood of the consumer being misled as to the availability of the benefits
offered. Such claims should not be used.”
In Clause 4.5.1 it adds that this should only apply “where the price or other advantage claimed bears no relation to
the prevailing level of prices or benefits, and in particular where it does not
apply to the goods or services actually advertised or to more than an
insignificant proportion of them.”
My question is: “How is anybody who sees this kind of adverting supposed to know what this last clause means exactly?”
The ASA’s view is that it’s up to the
custom er or client to find out by
looking at the firm’s Terms and Conditions – a curse of modern advertising. But I doubt that there is any com pany website
that explains the ramifications of this at all, let alone clearly.
About four years ago Capitec, one of South Africa ’s
youngest and most innovative banks tore up its Terms and Conditions (See “Brilliant Trail Blazer’s new Consumer Standard”). Unfortunately
there is no sign of other businesses following suit.
After my admittedly rather short
investigation my guess is that the Discovery Group uses “up to” with at least one “as much as 14%” as a variation possibly more than
anybody else.
its website for the five arms of its empire that extends to Medical Aid, Life and
Short Term Insurance, Credit Cards and the Vitality Wellness Awards scheme
these two words are mentioned “up to 300%” of the time, or is it “up to 60%”
or “up to 30%”?
of these could be right because they cover such a wide guess.
Discovery also uses them in its Television
advertising and possibly elsewhere.
Here are som e
samples of the many examples and at least one variation that you can find on
the Group’s website. The * com ments are mine.
Medical Aid: “Our plan contributions are as much as 14% lower than
those of all South Africa ’s
medical schemes.” * Does this mean 0.1%
lower, 10% lower or what?
“Executive Plan:
Guaranteed full cover in hospital for specialists on payment arrangement and up
to 300% of the Discover Health rate for other specialists.”
There are various
other “up to”
percentages for less costly plans.
Life Insurance: “Up to 60% of your premiums can be paid back to you
depending on how well you manage your health.
“Receive up to 28%
off your premiums up front.
“Up to 30% of you
premiums back every year.”
Various “up to” percentage
discounts are given if you have the other services provided by the group. * So it’s up to you to sign up for as many as possible to get a percentage of that
juicy carrot that may or may not be much more than a pittance.
Short Term Insurance: “Up to 50% back on your BP fuel spend each month for
driving well.”
Another version
given is, “Get up to R800 of your fuel spend back each month.”
* This
implies that you get money back wherever you buy your fuel, not just at a BP
Vitality: “Get up to 25% cash back on HealthFood items at Pick n
Pay or Woolworths.
“Get up to 25%
cash back on HealthGear at Sportsman’s Warehouse and Total Sports.” * Is this a lucky dip? Does it mean that today
you could get say a 3% discount, tom orrow
8% and perhaps very occasionally when the stores want to get rid of excess stock 25%? Why is
this so vague? Surely there should be a definite percentage discount if there
is one.
“Save up to 80% on
monthly gym fees at Virgin Active or Planet Fitness.”
I emailed the above to Adrian Gore, Discovery’s
founder and Group Chief Executive and invited him to com ment
if he wished. I was told he had seen it although he was in London . The job of replying then tumbled down
the ranks from Hylton Kallner, the
Chief Marketing Officer who is also a director to Rene Vosloo, Head of
Corporate Com munication and Media
According to her I had got it all wrong if I thought
Discovery had done anything amiss, so you readers will have to be the judge.
This is what she told me: “At Discovery we take our com mitment to our clients and our abidance of the ASA
Code of Conduct very seriously. Discovery doesn’t utilise the phase ‘up to’
unless our clients can and do obtain the values
quoted under reasonable scenarios – for certain of the
products quoted, clients receiving less than the benefits listed are in the
minority (*by giving “up to” percentages
no specific
benefits are given), with the majority
of clients in fact obtaining maximum ‘up to’ benefit. This is in line with our
own principles of fairness and honesty as well as the FSB’s (Financial Services Board) Treat Custom ers Fairly legislative framework under which our products operate and are
“We are therefore
confident and com fortable that all
our material is developed within the ASA Code of Conduct.”
The FSB lists six requirements as part of its Treat
Custom ers Fairly code. One of these
is that: “Custom ers are provided
with clear information and kept appropriately informed before, during and after
front of sale.”
*But how clear is any “up to” a certain
percentage at the “before” stage?
One of the largest financial groups in
South Africa MMI Holdings, more com monly
known as Mom entum is in a similar,
if not quite as extensive an area of business as Discovery. It’s into Medical
Aid, Life and Short term insurance; Fitness Prom otion
as well as Investments.
The Proteas Cricket team is covered by
Mom entum Health.
I don’t know which one, out of these
two groups, first started this “up to” marketing, but Mom entum’s
is remarkably similar to Discovery’s.
My guess it that there is an “up to” 100
chance that Discovery started it but then again the probability is “up to” 100%
that Mom entum got in first.
On its website and in a Television
advertising campaign during the World Cup cricket on DSTV Mom entum tells us: “Get up to 60% off your Mom entum life insurance; up to R5 400 paid into
your Health Saver Account; join Virgin Active or Planet Fitness gyms for R99
and save up to 80% of your membership fees; up to 20% off your golf and cycling
equipment at The Pro Shop or Cycle Lab and up to 50% off Mango flights.”
Unlike Discovery Mom entum does not state specifically that it abides
by the ASA Code of Conduct but its Group Chief Executive Nicolaas Kruger had
this to say in his introduction to the firm’s Code of Ethics.
“Mom entum is com mitted to do what is right, fair, reasonable and
There’s a heading entitled Speak Up, which
could apply to me. It says: “We encourage people to speak up against any breach of our values and standards and have zero tolerance
policy on retaliation as it is our belief that speaking up is always the right
thing to do.”
She maintained that “client-centricity”
was the heart of their business and they “demonstrated this in the ease and transparency in which our clients can take advantage of the
various levels of benefits (hence the use of ‘Up to…’) available to them.”
*It’s hard to fathom
how ‘up to’ percentages can be
at all transparent. I would say they are the com plete
opposite to this. They hide the true picture.
went on to say: “As
the conditions of the ‘Up to …’ offer cannot be
contained in the limited space of an advertisement, all our advertisements
provide a website address where clients can view the terms and conditions of
the offer.
sales process also provides a further opportunity for clients to gain more
information on how the programme works as well as the benefits available to
She included a ruling made by the ASA in
2012 when som ebody had evidently com plained about the use of “up to” in ads. So I am not the
only person who thinks this kind of advertising should not be allowed.
Below is the ASA’s com plicated ruling that “up to” ads are perfectly okay.
Well I bet that if a survey was done
there is "up to"a 90% chance that the majority of people would think this is certainly not alright.
on my experience of the ASA’s decisions the chances are “up to” 100% that this decision was
taken to appease all those com panies
that would have to go to considerable expense if they were ordered to change
their “up
to” ads to som ething
more plausible.
The ASA claims to be an impartial,
independent body set up by the marketing and com munications
industry to ensure that its system for self-regulation works in the public
Only the industry knows how it can
impartially enforce its Coded of Conduct when it is regulating itself. It’s
like appointing your own judge at your trial.
It’s dubious impartiality and bias
towards big business was glaringly exposed in the way it dealt with various com plaints that I made, the results of which you can
read on my blog.
Here are som e
of the worst examples: citizens aladdins cave of dubious ads ; ridiculous advertising standards authority and bungling advertising standards authority
Yours faithfully,
Jon, your Consumer Watchdog, who does
his best to get big business to com e
to heel.
P.S. I will be sending the link to this post to Leon
Grobler, the ASA’s Manager Dispute Resolutions just in case he might one day
say he knew nothing about what the advertising industry has really been “up to.”
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